Nuxt Content v2 markdown headers rendered as URLs

Nuxt Content v2 markdown headers rendered as URLs

Nuxt Content v2 markdown headers rendered as URLs


If you are facing the same problem where Nuxt Content Markdown renders headers as links, I can show you how I solved this issue.

What is written in markdown

## h2
## h3

this is what actually in the code.

<h2 id="h2">
    <a href="#h2">h2</a>

<h3 id="h3"><a href="#h3">h3</a>


To resolve this issue, we simply need to disable anchorLinks in your *nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // Other Nuxt config options...

  content: {
    markdown: {
      anchorLinks: false,

check out the official documentation: